The ISSN is an acronym for International Standard Serial Number, an eight digit serial number issued by International Organization for Standardization, to uniquely identify publications. This format helps in identification of serial publications, print and online resources. The ISSN helps in recognizing and archiving the titles electronically, sorting, subscription, organization and distribution of the titles. ISSN has helped in bringing down the cost of communication between the suppliers and publishers, besides making the publications distribution system speedy and proficient.
Websites from News

Association of Alternative Newsmedia
The Association of Alternative Newsmedia is a platform for the publications to reach out to a wide n more
The website aims at bridging the gap between half truths, disinformation or any piece of information more
The Media Line
The Media Line is an American platform for showcasing the reports news and events from the Middle Ea more
The Collegiate Network
The Collegiate Network is a platform for college magazines, periodicals and news papers for the coll more